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Thursday 12 June 2014

One o' the guys

Thinking back to all the madness with these guys just makes missing home that much harder. 

Dear student, enjoy every passing day of holidays while it lasts. Having had this never-ending opportunity to miss home has been quite a killer this year. While overseas I definitely missed home but the reality of an overwhelming number of kilometers between myself and loved ones helped get body and soul in tune with the situation. But THIS, being a mere 600km from all the love and craziness at home, and not seeing them for so long, this is driving me a little insane I tell you.

So I thought I’d share these photographs with you. Not just coz I'd like to introduce you all to some of the precious people in my life but also because they made me smile today. Keep reading, you’ll have a brief encounter with my amazing sense of humour towards the end of this post - a little dialogue with my mega-cute nephew. And while I can’t wait to have actual conversations with my little person, our imaginary ones put the biggest smile on my face.  

Now these guys are all kinds of cool. Magayva simply walked away the minute I suggested we pout in our selfies. So I will have to introduce you to T-bo's other half next time I make my way home. 

Ahlume Dialogue 

Asi: Ahlume, you are such a cutie-pie.
Do you think you and I could take a selfie together?
Jus coz, you know, I'm a cool aunt and all. 

 Ahlume: Ai Aunty Asi. Now that's a tricky one.
Come closer and I'll explain.

Ahlume: You see, the thing is, I don't want em ladies
getting hooked on alla this. I don't know if I'm ready for
love and all that weird stuff. 

Asi: Aaah. Oooh. I see. Well then we'd better not take any
chances. We wouldn't want to complicate your already
complicated life with all this social media stuff.

But Ahlume, there's just one thing. I always see couples posting
some interesting kissing selfies on Instagram. Maybe we
could have one, just so Aunt Asi can also #kisses!! What
you think?

Ahlume: Ja. Ja. Go ahead Aunt Asi. I don't believe I have
a say in this matter. 

You simply can't tell me you didn't enjoy that :P Being homesick is no joke. But sometimes, just knowing that the other side feels the gap as much as you do, is all you need to feel okay.

 Cheerio everyone. Keep it real and keep it gangster yo


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